The Mirror: Exhibition at Art House - 2021
Fassih Keiso
We are proud to present selected work from the Syrian-Australian artist Fassih Keiso, spanning from the 1990’s - 2000’s. Most of these works have been exhibited in Asian Museums as part of Australian contemporary art tour and in Europe, as well as at the museum of Modern Art ‘MoMA PS1’ in New York City. This exhibition contains 3D works that was produced this year in Damascus with the generous support of the Art House.

The Mirror focuses on Keiso’s meticulous attention to contrasting new materials, mixed media and historical form. The paintings on photograph are part of a larger body of work that was produced in Melbourne, Australia throughout the 1990’s. Using the layering of the body as a metaphor for the veils of fabric which surround our own bodies. When engaging with the paintings Keiso’s audience is deprived of seeing the body, as it is simultaneously veiled and nude, ultimately in absence despite its apparent presence.

The larger photographs narrated huge impact that 21st century politics and culture has on the human psyche and on art production. Technically the works explore the impact and manipulation of digital tools that are used withing contemporary photographic production. Emphasizing the transition that also occurs in photography, by combinig techniques from both analogue and digital photographic practice.

The newest works produced in Damascus, Syria use minimalist sculpture to reflect the harsh influnces of violence that naturally consumed and shifted the direction of Keiso’s examination of new forms and concepts that have occurred throughout his documentry research.
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© Fassih Keiso 2022 Copyright:           Devoloped By Dr Ali Abusalem