Palmyra Tug of Wa Videos
An event at Damascus Opera House (23 & 24 October 2019)
Using a variety of art forms including performance, several works under the theme of war, destruction and humanitarian aid were put together in one space.
1st work
Palmyra: Tug of War (Video installation)
Video with Dolby surrounded sound, duration 18min, 4 channels
Editing, visual effect and sound design: Ken Sabry Keiso, Music: NO.ico. Camera: Fassih Keiso, courtesy the artist
Multi-Channel audiovisual installation
2nd work
Vitamin (performance) 12 min

Vitamin is a performance reflects the impact of UN Humanitarian aid on Syrians life, culture and business, and reflects the suffering of Syrians due to international politics and war. The international community supported and raged the war on Syria whilst simultaneously sending and providing shelter material for basic protection, and emergency wool-blend blankets. UNICEF has distributed millions of blankets, and plastic sheets to Syrian refugees outside and inside Syria.

Blankets and plastic shelters used to create an installation and to design the performers costumes.15 dancers created a movement on Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, with 32 performers from the Higher Institute of dramatic Art in Damascus and a life music band.
A recorded poetry written and recited by poet Wadih Saadeh who lives in Sydney.

The performance juxtaposed with 90 second animated HD titled: Paracosm, made by Australian animator Ken Sabry Keiso. The animation reflects the fragility of the human body in the context of history and war machinery. The animated black and white video reflecting violence and body fragmentation will appear as part of the performance.

3rd work
Holes for the sun (light and object installation)

Installation of lights and found objects influenced by the bullet holes that penetrated the tin-roof of Homs old market. This installation reflects the changes that occur to architectural spaces after fighters end the combat.

The artist collected parts of the roofs from Homs old market and used it for the purpose of making a direct reference of the violence at that location.

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© Fassih Keiso 2022 Copyright:           Devoloped By Dr Ali Abusalem

Palmyra video installation